Maori Tattoos
Many people choose to get a tattoo nowadays. It is well noticed that Maori tattoo designs are often the choice made by people searching for tribal tattoos. Maori tattoo designs seem to be at the forefront of tattoos when it comes to selecting a tattoo and it perfectly makes since, once you get to examine these stunning and intriguing designs.
Maori Tattoos
Some Maoris can still trace their families using these tattoos. There are chiefs that can look at a Maori tattoo design and read it like a wide-open book. They do this by feeling the texture, looking at the design and the precision that went into etching that tattoo and by that, will be able to trace back some of these Maori family trees.
Maori Tattoos
Even today, there are some Maoris in New Zealand that have Maori tribal tattoos that date back 2,000 years! Another interesting fact that most tattoo enthusiast are unaware of when looking at Maori tattoo designs is that each tattoo entails an actual story, and each story tells a tale of a certain tribe origins, their beliefs, their spiritual world and much more. So far we have dealt with the Ta form but the other part or missing word is Moko, and the Moko part of any Maori tattoo is the actual carving out of the skin.
Maori Tattoos
Would you like to know what Maoris think of white people and other cultures that steal their Maori tattoo designs? Among Maoris, white people are called "Pakeha" and are known for never asking but just taking (in terms of culture and land) they also see most westerns as close minded, never seeing anything but themselves, let alone other cultures. Not surprisingly enough, the Native Americans as well, claimed the same about the white man in America.
Maori Tattoos
The Maoris claim that Maori tattoo designs that are not done properly weaken their spirituality and culture. They also regard the westerners as thieves for not having their own originality when getting Maori tattoo designs. So, how will this affect your decision when getting this ancient form of Polynesian art?